I know, it's a strange set of words. Time travel. It's almost such an over done, beaten into the ground movie and TV trope that we nearly cringe at the mention of such things. Human language has a funny way of evoking unwarranted emotion before explanation. So, let's just say that, before we move forward, try and steer clear of any outdated ideas of what is and isn't real you may have. They won't help you here, and you'll have a hard time following me.
Let's begin by talking briefly about the birth of all life, the great beginning, and or, the creation of the universe. The universe as we know it was formed by a series of massive explosions within space itself, around 13.8 billion years ago. Gravity brought together the simple elements that formed in the violent burst, creating the first stars and galaxies. The catch however, the absolute most wonderful and enthralling part of this story is what comes next. When this explosion took place, it took place with such high density and at such high temperatures, that it created space as it occurred, expanding and triggering more sets of explosions that doubled in size as they were formed. Gravitational force, Electromagnetic force, the weak Nuclear force, and the strong Nuclear force were all created, within a fraction of a second. The strong Nuclear force pulled Sub Atomic positively and negatively charged quarks (a quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter) together to form positively charged protons and neutrons. It was a beautiful, scorching hot festival of creation, so to speak, and from it, sprang everything that we are, and everything that we would all go on to be. The weak nuclear force allowed complex atoms to form through nuclear fusion, and had it not been for the weak Nuclear force, or the strong, our stars, galaxies and planets would simply never have had the opportunity to form. The formation of these particles of matter and anti-matter was extremely destructive and so charged with energy that for the most part, in the collisions, they destroyed one another. A few lucky seeds of matter survived the series of explosions, with protons and neutrons materializing almost instantly. Soon thereafter, these protons and neutrons could fuse together and create hydrogen helium nuclei. All of this happened faster than you, or I, can blink. And that is the beauty and mystery within it. That is where my fascination with time travel comes into play.
You see, the problem with the misrepresentation of time travel conceptually in the media is...well, everything. It is dangerously misleading and factually speaking, doesn't even usually touch much upon what traveling through time and space truly is. The truth is, you can do it, I can do it, your grandmother could do it, your Cat can do it. It takes almost nothing in the grand scheme of things to accidentally trigger a ripple in reality, or a break in your current timeline. With each and every choice we make, we enter a new "reality" so to speak. This means, that when you are discontent, change can always be made. A new reality can always be formed.
I will be updating this page with more information on time travel as i continue to study the topic. Time Traveling/reality bending is a latent ability that everyone is born with. In order to utilize it to our advantage, and in a way that is not destructive to the time space continuum, we must unhinge. We as a society must all unhinge, and become comfortable relishing in moments, emotion, and intellectual freedom. When we place more value on core concepts of life such as loving one another, creating art, the pursuit of knowledge, then the universe, ever the sentient little lady that she is, begins to reveal her secrets to us. I aim to assist my fellow lost souls, wanderers, and otherwise vagrants in unlocking the secrets of accessing the most precious spaces this universe has to offer us, the spaces between our perception of time through art, music, and emotional healing.